Choreography, Idea & Concept: Célestine Hennermann
Dance & Choreography: Katharina Wiedenhofer
Live Music & Composition: Gregor Prahl
Stage & Costumes Nathalie Meyer
Production Management: Britta Horwath
Management: Alexandra Schmidt / tanzmangement
Premiere: February 8, 2021, Theaterhaus Frankfurt

A Performance with Dance, music and Sound for All (4+)
Every child is afraid of something. Who doesn’t know it: darkness, thunderstorms, dogs, the monster underneath the bed or mom suddenly having to leave.
The dancer Katharina Wiedenhofer and the musician Gregor Praml with his big double bass face their fears and approach them very carefully. Together with the children they try to find out what triggers fear and how to face it. Each step towards the unknown is taken cautiously and slowly, again and again one reassures the other, no one remains alone, but always has the other at his side when danger seems imminent. Together they dare to do something and understand fear as a chance to grow, if one faces it. Seemingly insurmountable situations metamorphose into their opposite: dark becomes light, heavy becomes light, trembling develops into proud laughter, whispering turns into loud music.
“scaredy-cat” is designed as a classroom piece. It can be shown easily and without effort at elementary schools and kindergartens. .
Hennermanns Hode receives institutional funding from the City of Frankfurt/M.
The production is supported by DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Aid Program Dance.